Studio 5 2020 - 2021 Question Preview (ID: 48001)

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What is 厨师 chu shi?
a) chef
b) doctor
c) nurse
d) driver

What is 司机 si ji?
a) driver
b) chef
c) nurse
d) boss

What is 清洁工 qing jie gong?
a) cleaner
b) chef
c) teacher
d) nurse

What is 老板 lao ban?
a) boss
b) nurse
c) driver
d) secretary

What is 服务员 fu wu yuan?
a) waiter / waitress
b) secretary
c) teacher
d) delivery person

What is 快递员 kuai di yuan?
a) delivery person
b) nurse
c) waiter / waitress
d) cleaner

What is 医生 yi sheng?
a) doctor
b) nurse
c) driver
d) chef

What is 护士 hu shi?
a) doctor
b) nurse
c) chef
d) boss

What is 秘书 mi shu?
a) secretary
b) office lady / office man
c) boss
d) cleaner

What is 白领 bai ling?
a) office lady / office man
b) chef
c) doctor
d) nurse

What is the pinyin for 我?
a) wǒ
b) nǐ
c) shén me
d) míng zì

What is the pinyin for 名字?
a) míng zì
b) míng ze
c) míng zǐ
d) míng zí

What is the pinyin for 什么?
a) shén me
b) shēn me
c) shěn me
d) shèn me

What is 二 零 一 一 年 èr líng yī yī nián ?
a) the year 2011
b) two thousand and one hundred and one
c) the year 2111
d) the year 2111

How to say birthday?
a) 生日 shēng rì
b) 日升 rì shēng
c) 生生shēng shēng
d) 日日 rì rì

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