Mixtures And Solutions Question Preview (ID: 47980)

Science. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which is NOT true about solutions?
a) Solutions can be separated by evaporation
b) Solutions may change their phyisical properties
c) Soda is a solution
d) Solutions do not change their physical properties

Dissolve means to...
a) dissappear
b) spread evenly in a liquid
c) evaporate
d) vanish

Evaporation is...
a) to change from a liquid to a gas by adding heat
b) to change from a solid to a liquid by adding heat
c) to change from a gas to a liquid
d) to change from a liquid to a solid

What is true about a fruit salad and a shelf of books?
a) Neither are a solution or a mixture
b) They are both solutions and can be separated physically
c) They are both mixtures and cannot be separated physically
d) They are both mixtures and can be separated physically

Which of the following is an example of a mixture?
a) salt combined with water
b) sand combined with water
c) sugar combined with water
d) lemon juice combined with water

If a students adds 1 tablespoon of salt to 10mL of water in sample 1 cup, then adds 3 tablespoons of salt to 10mL of water in sample 2 cup, in which ways would the samples be different?
a) Sample 2 would taste less salty
b) Sample 1 will take longer to dissolve
c) Sample 2 would taste more salty
d) Sample 1 would tast more salty

The main difference between a mixture and a solution is
a) A solution may change its physical properties, while a mixture keeps its physical properties
b) a solution cannot be separated
c) a mixture is easily separated
d) a mixure cannot be separated and a solution can

Which of the following is an example of a solution?
a) fruit smoothie
b) jello
c) salad
d) books on a shelf

Solutions can be separated by...
a) physically removing the ingredients
b) color
c) evaporation
d) they cannot be separated

All are examples of physical properties EXCEPT...
a) color
b) toxicity
c) taste
d) mass

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