Egypt Geography And Map Question Preview (ID: 47968)

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Peninsula that connects Africa and Asia
a) Sinai
b) Arabian
c) Eastern
d) Iberian

Desert on the eastern side of Nile River
a) Arabian Desert
b) Sahara Desert
c) Eastern Desert
d) Syrian Desert

Mountain range in the southern part of Turkey
a) Zagros Mts
b) Taurus Mts
c) Andes Mts
d) None of these

Ancient name for Turkey
a) Asia Minor
b) Iberia
c) Mesopotamia
d) Nile Delta

Nile Delta empties into this Sea
a) Indian
b) Red
c) Mediterranean
d) Persian

The land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
a) Nile Delta
b) Mesopotamia
c) Asia
d) Syrian Desert

What peninsula is bordered by the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf
a) Arabian Peninsula
b) Sinai Peninsula
c) Iberian Peninsula
d) None of these

Longest river in Africa
a) Nile
b) Amazon
c) Tigris
d) Euphrates

Desert on the Western side on Nile
a) Sahara
b) Eastern
c) Syrian
d) Arabian

Body of water south of the Sinai Peninsula
a) Red Sea
b) Persian Gulf
c) Mediterranean Sea
d) Indian Ocean

What animal is considered the god Sobek
a) Crocodile
b) Hippo
c) Cobra
d) Lion

The name of the sun god
a) Sobek
b) Ra
c) Osiris
d) Ammut

Staple food of Egypt
a) Bread
b) Stew
c) Apples
d) Meat

This plant is sacred to the Egyptians
a) Papyrus
b) Lily
c) Reeds
d) none of these

Farmers hated this animal
a) Croc
b) Hippo
c) Cobra
d) Lion

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