2nd Grade Math Question Preview (ID: 47930)

2nd Grade Test For Mathematics Classroom. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Adding two numbers and subtracting two numbers will always give the same answer.
a) False
b) True
c) Always
d) Addition and subtraction are the same

a) 66
b) 76
c) 67
d) 72

Jane and Julie split 4 cupcakes evenly. How many do they have each?
a) 2
b) 5
c) 1
d) 6

3+0 has the same answer as 3-0
a) Correct
b) Incorrect
c) Sometimes
d) Never

a) 10
b) 12
c) 14
d) 11

Julie has 10 ice cream cones. She sells 4. How many does she have left?
a) 4
b) 6
c) 5
d) 1

The answer to an addition problem is the
a) Sum
b) Difference
c) Product
d) Hypothesis

a) 10
b) 11
c) 12
d) 13

Jack has 8 candies. He gives Daisy 6. How many does he have left?
a) 4
b) 2
c) 20
d) 5

a) 101
b) 200
c) 100
d) 300

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