World Geography Terms Question Preview (ID: 47921)

Terms Used To Describe The World Around Us. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is a land mass with water surrounding it called?
a) Island
b) Isthmus
c) Peninsula
d) Lake

What is close to the shore and deep enough to anchor boats?
a) Peninsula
b) Harbor
c) Ocean
d) Bay

What is an area in between two mountains generally called?
a) Lake
b) Isthmus
c) Valley
d) Island

What is larger than a bay but smaller than an ocean?
a) Gulf
b) River
c) Tributary
d) Harbor

What is a land mass surrounded by water on three sides?
a) Isthmus
b) Peninsula
c) Valley
d) Bay

What is a naturally made waterway?
a) Isthmus
b) River
c) Canal
d) Harbor

What is a man-made waterway?
a) River
b) Tributary
c) Stream
d) Canal

What is a narrow land mass that connects two larger landmasses?
a) Valley
b) Isthmus
c) Island
d) Canal

What is a chain or group of islands called?
a) Isthmus
b) Peninsula
c) Island
d) Archipelago

What is a body of water surrounded by land?
a) Ocean
b) Lake
c) River
d) Island

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