Atomic Structure Question Preview (ID: 47904)

Atomic Structure. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is an atom?
a) The smallest unit of matter that still retains the properties of the element.
b) The smallest piece of only solid things.
c) A particle consisting of only two smaller parts.

The 3 major subatomic particles are
a) protons, neutrons, and electrons
b) positrons, neutrons, and electrons
c) protons, neutrinos and electrons
d) positrons, neutrinos, and electrons

a) have a positive charge and are located in the nucleus of the atom.
b) have a positive charge and are located outside the nucleus.
c) have a negative charge and are located in an area outside nucleus
d) have a neutral charge and are located in the nucleus

a) have a neutral charge and are located in the nucleus
b) have a positive charge and are located in the nucleus of the atom
c) have a negative charge and are located in an area outside nucleus
d) have a positive charge and are located in an area outside the nucleus

a) have a negative charge and are located in the electron cloud outside the nucleus
b) have a neutral charge and are located in the nucleus
c) have a positive charge and are located in the nucleus of the atom
d) have a positive charge and are located outside the nucleus

Regarding atomic mass...
a) protons and neutrons have about the same mass, electrons are considered to have 0 mass
b) protons and electrons have about the same mass, neutrons are considered to have 0 mass
c) electrons and neutrons have about the same mass, protons are considered to have 0 mass
d) protons, electrons, and neutrons have about the same mass: 1 AMU

Regarding the subatomic particle charges...
a) protons have a + charge; neutrons have a neutral charge, and electrons have a - charge
b) protons have a - charge; neutrons have a + charge, and electrons have a neutral charge
c) protons have a + charge; neutrons have a - charge, and electrons have a neutral charge
d) protons have a + charge; neutrons and electrons have a negative charge

What is matter?
a) anything that has mass and takes up space
b) anything that has mass
c) anything that takes up space
d) none of the above

The negative subatomic particle is the
a) electron
b) proton
c) neutron
d) none of the above

The lightest subatomic particle is the
a) electron
b) neutron
c) proton
d) all have the same mass

The positive subatomic particle is the
a) proton
b) neutron
c) electron
d) none of the above

The nucleus of an atom
a) contains electron and protons
b) contains neutrons and protons
c) contains neutrons and electrons
d) none of the above

What is the Greek word that means unable to be divided (indivisible)
a) atomos
b) nucleos
c) electronia
d) uncutto

Protons and neutrons
a) have the same charge
b) move around the nucleus
c) all of the above
d) have similar masses

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