Commas #2 Question Preview (ID: 47902)
Commas And Coordinating Adjectives.
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How do you know if a comma should be inserted beween two adjectives?
a) Use a comma if the adjectives are equal in importance.
b) Use a comma if the adjectives make sense if the word and is put between them.
c) Use a comma if you can switch the places of the adjectives and still have a good sentence.
d) All of the above are correct.
Where should a comma be inserted in this sentence: The dark red jacket belongs to me.
a) Between red and jacket
b) Between dark and red
c) Between jacket and belongs
d) No commas are necessary
Where would you insert a comma in this sentence: We saw several small ants on the picnic table.
a) after several
b) after small
c) after ants
d) No commas are necessary.
Which sentence does not need a comma?
a) That is a big, round ball.
b) My gentle, kind grandmother gave me a hug today.
c) That was a sour, bitter lemon.
d) She is a happy, excited puppy!
Which sentence uses commas correctly?
a) My sister lives up north, in Richmond Virginia.
b) Christmas is always on the 25th, of December.
c) During school, I fell asleep at my desk.
d) Tomorrow morning, comes too quickly for me!
Which comma is not necessary: After school, I had apples, and peanut butter for my snack.
a) the comma after school
b) the comma after apples
c) Both commas are unnecessary.
d) Both commas are needed.
Rewrite this sentence to make it correct: Yes I think pancakes waffles and toast is a great breakfast but my mom doesn't agree with me.
a) Yes, I think pancakes, waffles and toast, make a great breakfast, but my mom doesn't agree with me.
b) Yes I think pancakes, waffles, and toast make a great breakfast, but my mom doesn't agree with me.
c) Yes, I think pancakes, waffles, and toast make a great breakfast, but my mom doesn't agree with me.
d) Yes I think pancakes, waffles, and toast, is a great breakfast but, my mom doesn't agree, with me.
True or False: Commas must always come before the word and.
a) true
b) false
True or False: When used in a list, commas are needed with two or more items.
a) true
b) false
True or False: Commas are used to separate compound sentences.
a) true
b) false
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