Characteristics Of The Atmosphere Question Preview (ID: 47891)

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What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?
a) oxygen
b) hydrogen
c) nitrogen
d) carbon dioxide

A major source of oxygen for the Earth’s atmosphere is
a) sea water
b) the sun
c) animals
d) plants

The bottom layer of the atmosphere, where almost all weather occurs,
a) stratosphere
b) troposphere
c) thermosphere
d) mesosphere

The ozone layer is located in the
a) stratosphere
b) troposphere
c) thermosphere
d) mesosphere

What is the atmosphere that surrounds the Earth made of?
a) oxygen
b) mixture of particles
c) mixture of gases
d) water vapor

What pulls the gas molecules in the atmosphere down to the Earth?
a) air pressure
b) gravity
c) water
d) solar energy

What measures the force that air molecules use to push on a surface?
a) Earth's surface
b) altitude
c) water vapor
d) air pressure

Where is air pressure strongest?
a) on the top of a mountain
b) on Earth's surface
c) in outer space
d) close to the sun

Warmer parts of the atmosphere have more of these than cold parts.
a) gases that make heat
b) gases that absorb water
c) gases that absorb cold
d) gases that absorb solar energy

The highest layer of the atmosphere, temperatures can reach 1,000°C
a) stratosphere
b) thermosphere
c) mesosphere
d) troposphere

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