Scientific Method And Variables Question Preview (ID: 47888)

Sci. Method Steps And Defining Variables. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The hypothesis in a scientific investigation is
a) an educated guess about the outcome of the experiment.
b) always right.
c) a list of procedures.
d) the last part of the experiment.

In an experiment, there should be only one _________. Everything else should be a ________.
a) independent variable.......constant variable.
b) constant variable.........independent variable.

Cause is to effect as _____ is to _____
a) independent... dependent
b) dependent... independent
c) independent... constant
d) constant... responding

Which is the first step in the scientific method?
a) ask a question
b) form a hypothesis
c) draw a conclusion
d) analyze data

The independent variable is also called the
a) manipulated variable
b) responding variable
c) constant variable
d) conclusion

Which variable is affected by the independent variable?
a) responding variable (dependent)
b) manipulated variable (independent)
c) constant variable

A farmer applies different fertilizer to his plants to see which will make the plants grow the highest. What is the independent variable?
a) different plants
b) type of fertilizer
c) amount of water
d) height of plants

A farmer applies different fertilizer to his plants to see which will make the plants grow the highest. What is the dependent variable?
a) different plants
b) type of fertilizer
c) amount of water
d) height of plants

In a study about headaches, doctors gave patients Aleve, Tylenol, and Advil to see which medication would relieve the headache pain the fastest. The doctors timed how long it took the medication to work. What is the Independent variable?
a) Types of pain reliever
b) Number of headaches
c) Amount of time until pain was relieved
d) Amount of medication

In a study about headaches, doctors gave patients Aleve, Tylenol, and Advil to see which medication would relieve the headache pain the fastest. The doctors timed how long it took the medication to work. What is the Dependent variable?
a) Types of pain reliever
b) Number of headaches
c) Amount of time until pain was relieved
d) Amount of medication

The independent variable is the variable that you change.
a) True
b) False

The dependent variable is the one you measure.
a) True
b) False

How many independent variables can you have in an experiment so that your investigation is valid?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) As many as you want!

The variables or factors in an experiment that must stay the same.
a) Independent Variable
b) Dependent Variable
c) Constant Variables

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