Divisibility Question Preview (ID: 47883)

Let's See If You Can Apply The Divisibility Rules Correctly For The Factors Of 9,10,11,100,1000 And For 6, 12, 15 Etc. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

2,304,771,180 is divisible by
a) 15
b) 18
c) 11
d) 8

9 is a factor of
a) 864
b) 921
c) 573
d) 111

32,444,168 is divisible by 8 because
a) 168 is divisible by 8
b) its last digit is divisible by 8
c) 68 is divisible by 8
d) the sum of its digits is divisible by 8

Which of the following numbers is divisible by 11?
a) 4829
b) 8429
c) 9428
d) 2489

465 is divisible by
a) 15
b) 11
c) 18
d) 4

17,575 is divisible by 25 because
a) 75 is is divisible by 25
b) 575 is divisible by 25
c) the sum of its digits is 25
d) its last digit is 5

0 is divisible by
a) every natural number
b) every natural number but 0
c) no natural number
d) a total of 9 natural numbers (from 1 to 9)

Every natural number is divisible by
a) itself
b) 0
c) 2
d) every natural number

If n is a number divisible by 4 and 6, n is also divisible by
a) 12
b) 18
c) 24
d) 10

A natural number of the form 222...22 (consists of 2's only) is divisible by 22. How many digits might it have?
a) 66
b) 55
c) 33
d) 11

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