Quarter 1 Review Question Preview (ID: 47859)

Quarter 1 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is main/central idea?
a) A basic summary of what the article is about.
b) What the article/story is about.
c) A phase for what the article is about.
d) A one sentence answer for what the story/article is mainly about.

What do you get when you cross a robot and an astronaut? A Robonaut! Robonauts are robot helpers designed to work side-by-side with astronauts. What's the main idea?
a) Robornauts are cool
b) astronauts need help, so they made they robot helpers.
c) Robonauts are robot helpers for astronauts
d) What do you get when you cross a robot and an astronaut?

What is an inference?
a) A guess
b) What the story is about
c) An educated guess
d) The moral of the story

My dad is coming home today. What is the inference?
a) The speaker is a girl
b) The dad is not happy to come home.
c) The dad must have gone somewhere.
d) The daughter is excited.

What is a theme?
a) What the story/article is mainly about.
b) An educated guess.
c) The facts.
d) The lesson or moral of the story.

What is an example of theme?
a) Good can overcome evil.
b) Kindness is something everyone needs.
c) Be true to yourself.
d) All of the above.

What type of POV does not show internal thoughts or feelings?
a) 3rd person limited
b) 3rd person objective
c) 1st person
d) 3rd person omniscient

What type of pov goes into more than 1 person's thoughts or feelings?
a) 3rd person omniscient
b) 3rd person limited
c) 2nd person
d) 1st person

Which of these is the most exciting part of a story?
a) The exposition
b) The resolution
c) The climax
d) The rising action

Which of these is the end of the story?
a) The resolution
b) The falling action
c) the climax
d) the exposition

What is alliteration?
a) The repetition of vowel sounds anywhere is the words.
b) The repetition of consonant sounds.
c) The repetition of beginning letters/sounds
d) monday

What is assonance?
a) The repetition of vowel sounds anywhere is the words.
b) The repetition of consonant sounds.
c) tuesday
d) The repetition of beginning letters/sounds

What is a simile?
a) A guess
b) A comparison without using like or as
c) An exaggeration
d) A comparison with like or as

Which of these is an example of alliteration?
a) I have played the guitar
b) rabbits are friendly critters
c) Robonauts are helpers for astronauts
d) Lola is a lady with a lot of dogs.

What poem is about love?
a) Sonnet
b) Haiku
c) Elegy
d) hyperbole

What Poem is about nature?
a) sonnet
b) Haiku
c) Elegy
d) hyperbole

What poem is about death?
a) Elegy
b) simile
c) sonnet
d) Haiku

What is the protagonist?
a) Main character
b) The villain
c) The side character
d) A metaphor

Which of these is a coordinate adjective?
a) She wore a red cotton dress.
b) She drives a blue metal truck.
c) The cute, friendly dog raced by me.
d) There was a big ugly spider.

What is a sign of a coordinate adjective?
a) You can place a comma or 'and' in between them.
b) You cannot place a comma or 'and' in between them.
c) The sound good together.

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