Unit 1 Review!!! Question Preview (ID: 47858)

Unit 1 6th Grade Science! TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Molding play-doh.....physical or chemical change?
a) Physical Change
b) Chemical Change

Burning a marshmallow.....physical or chemical?
a) Physical Change
b) Chemical Change

A group of students is collecting data to determine which month is the most common birthday month in their class. What kind of information will they collect?
a) Quantitative data
b) Qualitative data
c) Predictions
d) Inferences

A pure substance made by chemically combining two tor more elements; represented by a chemical formula describes which term?
a) Chemical formula
b) Chemical bond
c) Element
d) Compound

During the Chemical and Physical Changes lab, as you made observations with the vinegar and baking soda, what took place?
a) Bubbling and fizzing
b) Nothing
c) Unexpected color change
d) Freezing

Which of the following is an example of a physical change?
a) Bubbles
b) Combustion
c) Freezing
d) All of the following

In the periodic table, the letters Fe stand for what?
a) Compound
b) Feron
c) Iron
d) Carbon

What is a compound?
a) A substance made of at least two atoms of a single element.
b) A substance made of at least two elements that are chemically combined in a set ration.
c) A substance made of at least two elements that are chemically bonded and can be mixed in any ration.
d) A substance that has only one element and can't be mixed to another atom.

Water can be represented by the chemical formula H20, what does the 2 represent?
a) Oxygen
b) Hydrogen
c) Two atoms of Oxygen
d) Two atoms of Hydrogen

During the bubble lab, it was important to mix the two solutions together.
a) True
b) False

Factors that can change in an experiment.
a) Variables
b) Weather
c) Science
d) Theory

When you explain or interpret the things you observe
a) Inference
b) Theory
c) Educated Guess
d) Hypothesis

Janice noticed that the Squirrels tail was short and bushy, unlike most squirrels in her neighborhood. What type of observations is this?
a) Qualitative
b) Quantitative
c) Observation
d) Scientific Experiment

The variable that changes as a result of changes to the independent variable in an experiment
a) Independent Variable
b) Dependent Variable
c) Controlled Variable
d) Observing Variable

The one variable that scientist changes during an experiment; Also called the Manipulated Variable
a) Independent
b) Dependent
c) Controlled
d) Changed

Your lab partner notices a tiny crack in a beaker that you are heating over a Bunsen burner. What do you do?
a) Put some duct tape on it, duct tape fixes everything
b) stop everything and notify the teacher immediately
c) get another beaker
d) do nothing, and hopefully it does not break

You should wash your hands after
a) Touching a plant in the classroom
b) Handling one of the class pets
c) Working with chemicals
d) All of the Above

Its ok to wear open toe shoes or sandals in the lab
a) True
b) False

What type of eye cover is acceptable to wear during chemistry labs?
a) Your glasses will be enough if you have any
b) glasses that have wrap-around side coverage
c) helmets only
d) Approved safety goggles only

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