Aquatics Unit 1 Test Review Question Preview (ID: 47855)

Unit 1 Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which group of people invented the magnetic compass?
a) Germans
b) Spanish
c) Chinese
d) Americans

What type of map shows the elevation of mountains?
a) topographic
b) planimetric
c) thematic
d) precipitation

What is the name of the imaginary longitude line that divides the globe East to West?
a) prime rib
b) equator
c) long line
d) prime meridian

Which part of the map explains what the map is showing?
a) scale
b) title
c) neatline
d) colors

What is cartography?
a) science of drawing maps
b) science of swimming
c) science of pushing grocery carts
d) science of climbing mountains

Who was the father of physical oceanography?
a) Scooter Goodwin
b) Christopher Columbus
c) Mathew Maury
d) Jacques Cartier

What type of map is a population map?
a) thematic
b) topopgraphic
c) purple
d) planimetric

What is NOT one of the three reasons early civilizations interacted with the ocean?
a) food
b) olympic swimming
c) exploration
d) trade

What did the Challenger Expedition discover?
a) underwater volcanoes and the continental shelf
b) amount of salt in the ocean
c) Titanic
d) Mid Atlantic Ridge and Mariana Trench

What is the name of the ocean directly south of India?
a) Indian Ocean
b) Atlantic Ocean
c) Pacific Ocean
d) Arctic Ocean

What is the name of the ocean off the coast of California?
a) Atlantic Ocean
b) Pacific Ocean
c) Southern Ocean
d) Indian Ocean

What do we study in this class?
a) the periodic table
b) algebraic equations
c) water
d) how to find the main idea of a passage

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