8th SS - Unit 4 Review (SS8H3d) Question Preview (ID: 47837)

Unit 4 (SS8H3d). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was the first constitution of the United States?
a) the Articles of Confederation
b) the Constitution
c) the Declaration of Independence
d) the Charter of 1732

The Articles of Confederation did not allow for:
a) a central leader
b) a national legislature
c) each state to have power
d) laws to be passed

The legislature created in the Articles of Confederation had:
a) one house (unicameral)
b) two houses (bicameral)
c) ###
d) ####

How was the judicial branch established with the Articles of Confederation?
a) There was no court system.
b) Only federal courts would be used.
c) Only state courts would be used.
d) The military would be in charge of the courts.

How was money handled in the Articles of Confederation?
a) There was no centralized money system.
b) The federal government would produce all currency.
c) ###
d) ####

The second constitution of the U.S., which is still in place today, is called:
a) the Constitution
b) the Articles of Confederation
c) the Declaration of Independence
d) the Emancipation Proclamation

When did Georgia ratify the Constitution?
a) Georgia was the 4th state to approve the Constitution.
b) Georgia was the 1st state to approve the Constitution.
c) Georgia was the 13th state to approve the Constitution.
d) Georgia was the 9th state to approve the Constitution.

The Constitution is a living document because:
a) it can be amended
b) it can't be changed
c) ###
d) ####

The president of the U.S. is the leader of:
a) the Executive Branch
b) the Judicial Branch
c) the Legislative Branch
d) ####

The Senate and the House of Representatives are:
a) the two parts of the U.S. Legislative Branch
b) the two parts of the U.S. Executive Branch
c) the two parts of the U.S. Judicial Branch
d) ####

All courts in the U.S. are part of:
a) the Judicial Branch
b) the Executive Branch
c) the Legislative Branch
d) ####

What is the Bill of Rights?
a) the first ten amendments of the Constitution
b) the opening of the Declaration of Independence
c) the closing portion of the Articles of Confederation
d) ####

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