8th SS - Unit 4 Review (SS8H3b) Question Preview (ID: 47832)

Unit 4 (SS8H3b). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is included in the Declaration portion of the Declaration of Independence?
a) a declaration of freedom for American colonists
b) the universal rights of man
c) offenses committed by King George III
d) ####

What is included in the Grievances to the Declaration of Independence?
a) offenses committed by King George III
b) the universal rights of man
c) a declaration of freedom for American colonists
d) ####

What is included in the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence?
a) the universal rights of man
b) offenses committed by King George III
c) a declaration of freedom for American colonists
d) ####

The first section of the Declaration of Independence is called:
a) the Preamble
b) the Grievances
c) the Declaration
d) the Exodus

What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?
a) to formally separate from Great Britain
b) to give colonists representation in British parliament
c) to explain why the revolution should take place
d) to encourage France and Spain to attack Great Britain

The only colony that did not send representatives to the First Continental Congress was:
a) Georgia
b) Delaware
c) South Carolina
d) New York

Which of the following individuals did NOT attend the Second Continental Congress?
a) James Oglethorpe
b) Button Gwinnett
c) Lyman Hall
d) George Walton

As soon as the American Revolution began, which group had its first meeting?
a) the First Continental Congress
b) the Sons of Liberty
c) the Savannah Boys
d) the Second Continental Congress

Where did the Second Continental Congress meet?
a) Philadelphia
b) Boston
c) Trenton
d) Albany

The Declaration of Independence was written at:
a) the Second Continental Congress
b) the First Continental Congress
c) ###
d) ####

The main author of the Declaration of Independence was:
a) Thomas Jefferson
b) Samuel Adams
c) Benjamin Franklin
d) John Quincy Adams

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