Space Science Question Preview (ID: 47717)

5th Grade. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why is a constellation, like the Big Dipper, seen near the northern horizon in fall and overhead in spring in the northern hemisphere?
a) The moon changes positions as it orbits the Sun.
b) The Sun changes positions as it orbits the Earth.
c) The Earth changes positions as it orbits the Sun.
d) The Earth changes positions as it orbits the Moon.

A light-year is a measurement of
a) time
b) speed
c) distance
d) capacity

How do stars differ from one another?
a) They are the same in every way except size and temperature.
b) They can be different in height, weight, age, and health.
c) They can be different in size, color, temperature, brightness, and life span.
d) All stars are essentially the same.

If two stars were the same size and temperature, which star would seem the brightest to us?
a) The star closest to us.
b) The star furthest from us.
c) The white dwarf star.
d) The red supergiant.

What type of star can have a high temperature, but a low luminosity?
a) main sequence
b) giant
c) supergiant
d) white dwarf

Compared to other stars, the Sun is...
a) among the smallest stars.
b) among the coolest stars.
c) among the brightest stars.
d) average in all areas.

Which of the following statements is NOT true?
a) Earth rotates around an axis.
b) Earth is tilted.
c) Earth revolves around the Sun.
d) Earth revolves around the Sun in 24 hours.

During summertime in the Northern Hemisphere, the days are...
a) longer, because the Earth is closer to the Sun.
b) longer, because the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the Sun.
c) shorter, because the Earth is farther away from the Sun.
d) shorter, because the Northern hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun.

We are located in
a) the Northern Hemisphere.
b) the Southern Hemisphere.
c) n/a
d) n/a

The seasons, length of day, etc. in Australia are __________ those in Chicago.
a) the same as
b) the opposite of
c) the same for most of the year as
d) slightly different than

What motion of the Earth causes day and night to occur?
a) rotation
b) revolution
c) orbit
d) swivel

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