8th SS - Unit 3 Review (SS8H2a) Question Preview (ID: 47713)

Unit 3 (SS8H2a). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which nation most influenced England to colonize North America?
a) Spain
b) the Netherlands
c) France
d) Italy

Where did England establish its 13 colonies?
a) the east coast of North America
b) the west coast of North America
c) South America
d) Central America

The first permanent English settlement in the New World was called:
a) Jamestown
b) Plymouth
c) Boston
d) Charleston

What caused Jamestown to flourish after years of suffering?
a) the production of tobacco
b) winning wars against the American Indians
c) England's triumph over French forces
d) the invention of the cotton gin

Who were the individuals who worked in colonies for a period of time before gaining their freedom?
a) indentured servants
b) slaves
c) the Puritans
d) debtors

The person given the most credit for establishing the colony of Georgia was:
a) James Oglethorpe
b) King George I
c) John Wolfe
d) John Smith

Since Georgia was a trustee colony, it was ruled by:
a) a group of trustees
b) a governor
c) the king
d) a group of religious leaders

Which of the following was NOT allowed in the colony of Georgia?
a) slaves
b) debtors
c) doctors
d) Protestants

Alcohol was forbidden in the colony of Georgia!
c) ###
d) ####

According to the Charter of 1732, each settler received:
a) 50 acres of land
b) 5 acres of land
c) 500 acres of land
d) 5,000 acres of land

Even though the colony of Georgia was established as a colony for debtors:
a) no debtors colonized Georgia
b) only 100 debtors were allowed to colonize Georgia
c) ###
d) ####

What were some agricultural products that England wanted grown in the colony of Georgia?
a) rice, indigo, wine, and silk
b) apples, oranges, and bananas
c) peanuts, peaches, and cotton
d) ####

Georgia served as a military buffer between:
a) South Carolina and Florida
b) North Carolina and Tennessee
c) Virginia and Maryland
d) New York and Pennsylvania

Which of the following was NOT a reason for the settlement of Georgia?
a) conquering the Indians
b) philanthropy
c) defense
d) economics

The colony of South Carolina was different than Georgia because:
a) South Carolina had large plantations
b) South Carolina had smaller farms
c) South Carolina was a Spanish colony
d) South Carolina was led by religious leaders

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