Unit 1 Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 47664)

From Cloze Notes. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Acts passed by Parliament to support Mercantilism
a) Freedom of Information Act
b) High Seas Act
c) Declaratory Acts
d) Navigation Acgts

A system of creating wealth by controling the trade of a colony by a mother country.
a) Navagation Experience
b) Mercantilism
c) Capitalism
d) Communism

The name given to the English ruling go ernmental body.
a) Parliament
b) Congress
c) Potalatariat
d) Council of Ages

English document that reduced the power of the King and gave Parliament more say
a) Magna Carta
b) English Bill of Rights
c) Declaratory Act
d) The Declaration of Sentiments

The first people to settle New England did so for what type of reason?
a) economic
b) Adventure
c) Religious
d) Climate

What three types of things were done by people in the New England Colonies?
a) Fishermen, welders and Netmakers
b) Fishermen, Ship builders,Merchants
c) Planters, Fishermen and Shipbuilders
d) Merchants, Fishermen and planters

The Pilgrims wanted to make fair laws for everyone so they signed what?
a) Constitution
b) Declaration of Rights and sentiments
c) The Mayflower Compact
d) The Corn Maze

People that wanted to fix what they thought was wrong in the Anglican Church. They came to America to set up the perfect religious society
a) Puritains
b) Pilgrims
c) Qauakers
d) ShakersThe pilgrims

Three Cash Crops grown in the South
a) Rice, Wheat, Tobacco
b) Wheat, Barley, Tomatoes
c) Rice, Indigo and Tobacco
d) Oats, Sugarcane and Sweet Potatoes

One of the main reasons England had for making a colony was to
a) make money from trade
b) Discover new lands
c) Discover new Plants and Animals
d) Make a new world Power

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