Unit 1 - Romans And Byzantines Question Preview (ID: 47653)

Chapters 1 And 6 In TCI. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is the best example of a social problem suffered by the Roman people?
a) A lack of system to select the next ruler/leader of the Roman Empire
b) Empire had grown too large to successfully defend
c) High crime rate
d) Heavy taxes to support the army

Which of the following is a synonym for a architectural vault?
a) Bridge
b) Tunnel
c) Sphere
d) Arch

Define Cameo.
a) A grouping of small tiles, stones, or glass to make a larger image
b) A appearance in a TV or movie by a celebrity, usually only for a small amount of time
c) A wet wall painting
d) A small jewelry like carving that is to be wore on a finger or as a necklace

What is emperor Justinian most famous for?
a) Ending a bloody riot in Constantinople
b) Marrying Theodora
c) Creating a simple system of laws
d) Building public baths and hospitals

Define Patriarch
a) in the Eastern Orthodox Church, the bishop of an important city
b) in the Roman Catholic Church, the head of the religion
c) in the Eastern Orthodox Church, the leader of the entire empire
d) The stadium in which chariot racing was common

An event that caused damage to the reltaionship between the Catholic and Orthodox Christians involving the destruction of religious items
a) Crowning a new emperor
b) Iconoclasm
c) Excommunication of Cerularius
d) Construction of the Hagia Sophia

The Hagia Sophia, during the Byzantine Era, was a...
a) Museum
b) Military Fort
c) Church
d) Market Area

A location in which spectators could watch the chariot race for their entertainment
a) Hippodrome
b) Colosseum
c) The Parthenon
d) The Vatican

Which of these services did Constantinople NOT provide its citizens and visitors?
a) Use of hospitals
b) A sewage system
c) Elderly care
d) Free food

Which of the following is a stoic virtue?
a) Cowardice
b) Courage
c) Greed
d) Defiance

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