Unit 1 Quiz Question Preview (ID: 47648)

Quiz. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What direction goes between North and East?
a) Eastnorth
b) Southwest
c) Northeast
d) Westsouth

What does a legend on a map do?
a) Tells you what colors and shapes on the map mean
b) Tells you the direction
c) Tells you what the map is about
d) Tells you the distance from one place to another

Political maps show
a) populations
b) landforms
c) boundaries
d) none of these

Physical maps show...
a) political boundaries
b) landforms
c) populations
d) jobs

What is the opposite of east?
a) north
b) south
c) east
d) west

What is the opposite of north?
a) east
b) west
c) south
d) north

Which of the following describes a suburban settlement?
a) manufacturing area
b) farm land
c) neighborhood outside a city
d) crowded city

Landform, climate, vegetation and population belong to...
a) Colonies
b) Natural resources
c) Communities
d) Regions

What is an urban area
a) neighborhood
b) big city
c) farming area
d) Freeport

What is a rural area?
a) neighborhood
b) big city
c) farm land
d) none of theses answers

How many regions is the United States broken into?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 7

Which of the following is the definition of a political region?
a) an area that Is known for its rate of migration
b) an area that has a particular kind of government
c) a territory defined by the total number of people living there
d) a zone defined by the production of goods

What direction goes between west and south?
a) Southwest
b) Westsouth
c) Eastwest
d) Weseast

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