DGP Basics Review Test Question Preview (ID: 47640)

DGP. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Besides marking the type of verb such as action, linking, or helping, what else should be marked?
a) verb ending
b) verb spelling
c) verb tense

Simple subject on DGP Tuesday's =
a) SS
b) s
c) simple subject

On Thursdays, what end mark should be circled?
a) comma
b) exclamation mark
c) period

What punctuation mark goes around prepositional phrases?
a) Brackets
b) Parentheses
c) Commas
d) Period

Proper nouns on DGP =
a) n
b) N
c) pn
d) PN

A simple sentence is the same as a/an
a) independent clause
b) dependent clause

Common noun on DGP=
a) n
b) cn
c) common noun
d) nc

Thursday's DGP focuses only on
a) parts of speech
b) parts of the sentence
c) clauses and sentence purpose
d) capitalization

Wednesday's DGP focuses only on
a) parts of speech
b) parts of the sentence
c) clauses and sentence purpose
d) capitalization and punctuation

Tuesday's DGP focuses ONLY on
a) parts of speech
b) parts of the sentence
c) clauses and sentence purpose
d) capitalization and punctuation

Monday's DGP focuses only on
a) capitalization and punctuation
b) parts of speech
c) parts of the sentence
d) clauses and sentence purpose

DGP stands for
a) Daily Grammar Practice
b) Detailed Grammar Page
c) Double Grammar Practice
d) Daily Good Paper

On Tuesdays, how many lines go underneath the simple subject
a) 3
b) 2
c) 4
d) 1

On Tuesdays, how do you indicate a complete subject
a) draw one line
b) draw 3 lines
c) draw 2 lines
d) draw 4 lines

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