OC Test Review Question Preview (ID: 47619)
OC Test Review.
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Defense Technology uses what standard to determine the pungency or heat of their pepper sprays?
a) Scoville Heat Units (SHUs)
b) Amount of OC, i.e. 5% or 10%
c) Percentage of Major Capsaicinoids or % MC
d) None
First Defense 360 features which of the following?
a) Any angle orientation
b) Compressed air/barrier separation system
c) Stream delivery
d) All the above
Formulations that combine CS with OC are often referred to as?
a) Oil-soluble
b) Carriers
c) Blended
d) Synthetic
OC is often classified as a _______agent.
a) Irritant
b) Inflammatory
c) Malodorant
d) Obscurant
Which terms best describes the psychological effects of OC?
a) Blepharospasm, Rhinorrhea, Inflammatory
b) Anxiety, Fear, Panic
c) Capsaicin, Capsaicinoids, Capsicum
d) None of the above
Why is independent testing important in the manufacture of OC?
a) No “secret ingredients”
b) Easy to document
c) Helps protect agency against liability
d) All of the above
Once a suspect is exposed to OC, (s)he could:
a) Have a delayed reaction
b) Cease active aggression
c) Raise hands
d) All of the above
What is the primary target area when deploying an OC stream projector?
a) Eyes
b) Chest
c) Mouth
d) Nose
What should you not do during the OC decontamination process?
a) Have subject rub his eyes
b) Apply salves, lotions or creams
c) Use soap or shampoo in their eyes
d) All the above
A good method to prepare students for real-world OC applications is to:
a) Conduct scenario-based training
b) Practice deployments with inert projector(s)
c) Incorporate transition drills from OC to other means of force or control
d) All the above
OC exposure can cause what physiological effects?
a) Involuntary eye closure
b) Pain and a burning sensation
c) A shortness of breath feeling
d) All the above
What could be the reason why the OC does not appear to be working?
a) Target area not acquired
b) Unrealistic expectations
c) Suspect has high pain threshold
d) All the above
Having an EDW-Safe OC formulation is important because?
a) Fireplaces are near by
b) People are smoking in the area
c) EDW may be used in conjunction with an OC deployment
d) Federal regulations require it
OC continues to be a valuable less lethal tool because?
a) It is small, safe and inexpensive
b) It can be used in a variety of tactical environments
c) It provides numerous tactical advantages
d) All the above
What is the most effective step in the OC decontamination process?
a) Assure the person that everything will be okay
b) Do nothing because they deserve it
c) Remove from contaminated area and wash affected area with cool water
d) Release him so that he can seek medical attention
Which of the following is an important consideration in regard to your agency’s OC policy?
a) Specifying which OC product(s) are authorized for use
b) Designating who is authorized to use OC
c) Identifying the circumstances which OC may be used
d) All the above
According to the California DOJ study, OC was found to be how effective?
a) 99%
b) 87%
c) 75%
d) 62%
Which First Defense “live” formulation is not EDW safe:
a) .2% Stream
b) .4% Cone
c) OC/CS Blend
d) 1.3% foam
The only Defense Technology OC canister that has a 2-year warranty is the:
a) MK-9
b) MK-3
c) MK-46
d) MK-2
Anytime a person exposed to OC displays signs of itching, hives, facial swelling and has difficulty in swallowing and breathing you should:
a) Apply lotions or creams in an attempt to soothe the pain
b) Seek immediate medical attention
c) Offer the suspect aspirin to reduce swelling
d) Nothing, this is a normal reaction
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