Lab Safety Question Preview (ID: 47614)

Biology Lab. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Broken glass should be cleaned up by
a) using your fingers.
b) your lab partner.
c) the teacher.
d) the person who broke the glass.

You should always point test tubes
a) toward yourself.
b) toward the teacher.
c) toward your lab partner.
d) away from everyone.

All chemicals should be considered
a) edible.
b) dangerous.
c) safe.
d) something you can play with.

Eye goggles are better than safety glasses because
a) they look way cooler.
b) they completely cover your eyes.
c) they make a nice mark on your forehead.
d) there is no difference.

Horseplay is not allowed in the lab because
a) it is dangerous.
b) it is not fun to do.
c) someone may try to get you back for something you did.
d) SVHS does not own horses.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding lab safety?
a) no food or drink is allowed
b) flip flops are allowed
c) hair must be tied back
d) use a clamp or tongs when handling hot containers

When testing for odors in a container
a) place your nose over the container and inhale deeply.
b) have your partner smell it.
c) ask the teacher to smell it.
d) use a wafting motion.

In the lab, it is acceptable to clean any spills after you have completed the lab.
a) True
b) False

You may apply makeup or lip gloss, or chew gum in the lab.
a) True
b) False

You must carefully read and follow all instructions for the lab.
a) True
b) False

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