Government And Economic Systems Question Preview (ID: 47586)

Government And Economic Systems. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The United States, Canada, Russia, and many other governments are
a) Oligarchic
b) Autocractic
c) Democratic
d) Confederate

Technically all economies in the world are a _________ economy. Each countries economy just leans either command or market
a) Command
b) Traditional
c) Market
d) Mixed

Nazi Germany, and North Korea are both ___________ Governments
a) Oligarchic
b) Autocractic
c) Democratic
d) Confederate

12. Typically, in this form of government citizens have the most freedoms.
a) Autocracy
b) Oligarchy
c) Democracy
d) All of these are correct

11. The United States, Canada, Germany, and Russia are all examples of this type of government.
a) Autocracy
b) Oligarchy
c) Democracy
d) All of these are correct

9. In this system of government, the citizens elect the leadership of their country through voting.
a) Autocracy
b) Oligarchy
c) Democracy
d) All of these are correct

10. In this system of government there is a single ruler who has unlimited power within the government.
a) Autocracy
b) Oligarchy
c) Democracy
d) All of these are correct

8. In this system of government, a small group of people make all of the decisions for the country. These individuals are usually wealthy, landowners, business owners, or otherwise influential people in the country.
a) Autocracy
b) Oligarchy
c) Democracy
d) All of these are correct

6. Hunting, farming, gathering, and bartering are the primary method for acquiring goods and services in this type of economy.
a) Command
b) Traditional
c) Market
d) Mixed Economy

4. In this type of economy the producers, consumers, and the government decide which goods and services will be produced and consumed.
a) Command
b) Traditional
c) Market
d) Mixed Economy

5. When the government tells car manufacturers in the United States that they must have airbags, and seatbelts in all of the cars that will be produced and sold but the car company can determine many other aspects of the production of their cars this
a) Command
b) Traditional
c) Market
d) Mixed Economy

2. In this type of economy, the government deicides every good and service that will be produced. They also decide how the goods and services will be produced.
a) Command
b) Traditional
c) Market
d) Mixed Economy

3. In this type of economy, only the producers and consumers decide which goods and services will be produced. The government has no input in the production or consumption of any good or service.
a) Command
b) Traditional
c) Market
d) Mixed Economy

1. In this type of economy, you would only produce and consume the things that you need to survive. There is usually no currency, goods and services are bartered for.
a) Command
b) Traditional
c) Market
d) Mixed Economy

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