Cause/Effect, Conflict, And The Fish Story Review Game Question Preview (ID: 47579)

Review For The Fish Story By Mary Lou Brooks And Its Connection To The Literary Terms Of Cause/effect And Conflict. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Cause and Effect are...
a) A struggle between opposing forces
b) The people and animals in a story
c) Why something happened and what happened as a result.
d) Types of alien spaceships.

Which are two events that happen in the story?
a) Ernie locks himself out of the house by accident and then loses his job.
b) Jaws the fish dies and Ernie buys a new fish to replace him.
c) Mrs. Benson starts a new business and then hires Ernie's brother.
d) Ernie starts a rock band and discovers a spaceship full of aliens.

Ernie feels bad because the fish died and he bought a new one. He did not tell the Benson’s that their fish died. He feels dishonest because he did not tell the truth. This conflict is an example of ….
a) External Conflict
b) Natural Conflict
c) Internal Conflict
d) Alien Conflict

Name two of the main characters in the story.
a) Jack and Diane
b) Horatio and Mr. Jenkins
c) Anna and Johnny
d) Ernie and Mrs. Benson

What is the definition of a Conflict?
a) The time and place the story takes place
b) A struggle between opposing forces.
c) The actions that lead up to the main event.
d) A list of people and animals in the story

Why was Ernie surprised to get the job for the Bensons?
a) He is from another planet.
b) He had messed up so many other jobs in the neighborhood.
c) He thought his older brother would get the job.
d) He was too young.

What problem does Ernie face at his new job?
a) He locked himself out of the house.
b) Jaws is dead.
c) He can not find a fish that looks like Jaws.
d) Aliens are looking for a new home.

Why does Mrs. Benson think Ernie did a great job?
a) She knew the fish died before they left and he bought a new fish.
b) Ernie watered the flowers and took out the garbage.
c) She had been too afraid to make contact with the aliens on her own
d) Ernie cleaned the fish tank.

Where does the Major Conflict begin in The Fish Story?
a) It begins when Ernie gets the job watching the Benson’s house
b) It begins when the Benson’s come home.
c) It begins when Jaws dies
d) It begins when the aliens land

The definition of Unemployed is...
a) Without a job
b) Trusted to do something right
c) State of being totally unaware of one’s surroundings because of illness or injury
d) To look at in an angry way

The definition of Dreading is...
a) A group of people related by blood
b) Walk slowly with heavy steps
c) Trusted to do something right
d) Afraid of doing something

The definition of Coma is...
a) To look at in an angry way
b) State of being totally unaware of one’s surroundings because of illness or injury
c) A group of people related by blood
d) Without a job

The definition of Trudged is...
a) Trusted to do something right
b) Afraid of doing something
c) Walk slowly with heavy steps
d) To look at in an angry way

The definition of Glared is...
a) State of being totally unaware of one’s surroundings because of illness or injury
b) To look at in an angry way
c) Without a job
d) Trusted to do something right

The definition of Responsibility is...
a) Afraid of doing something
b) State of being totally unaware of one’s surroundings because of illness or injury
c) To look at in an angry way
d) Trusted to do something right

The definition of Kinfolk is...
a) Walk slowly with heavy steps
b) A group of people related by blood
c) Trusted to do something right
d) Afraid of doing something

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