Wv Investigation 2 Question Preview (ID: 47577)
Wave Energy.
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How does wave energy differ between high amplitude and low amplitude waves?
a) Energy is greater with high amplitude waves.
b) Energy is greater with low amplitude waves.
c) Energy is greater with both types of waves.
d) Energy is equal for both types of waves.
How does wave energy differ between high frequency and low amplitude frequency?
a) Energy is greater with both types of waves.
b) Energy is the same for both types of waves.
c) Energy is greater with low frequency waves.
d) Energy is greater with high frequency waves.
Which wave option transfers most energy?
a) Low amplitude
b) High frequency
c) Low wavelength
d) All of these options
Which pair of options has an inverse relationship?
a) frequency and amplitude
b) amplitude and wavelength
c) frequency and wavelength
d) None of these options
What is the first step of the engineering design process?
a) Share solutions
b) Design/redesign
c) Brainstorm
d) Identify and research the problem.
As an engineer, it is okay to build and test one prototype before sharing solutions?
a) True, you only need one trial.
b) False, you need to redesign, rebuild and retest.
c) True, people should give a lot of input right away.
d) False, you need to build two types to test.
How does sound travel?
a) Sound is a vibration that travels as a transverse wave.
b) Sound is a vibration that travels as a compression wave.
c) Sound is a vibration that travels as a transverse and compression wave.
d) Sound vibrates.
Sound waves transfer energy through a _____.
a) medium
b) wall
c) air
d) water
How does hitting a drum create a sound?
a) The drum skin vibrates; this compresses air particles; the air particles transfer as a compression wave through the air.
b) The drum skin compresses; the compression affects air particles; air particles travel to your ears.
c) The drum skin asks to be hits again; then makes a noise that travels through the air.
d) The drum skin vibrates; air particles move away; air particles travel to ear drums.
Sound travels fastest through
a) solids
b) liquids
c) gases
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