PS Investigation 6 Question Preview (ID: 47574)

Beyond The Moon. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How far is an astronomical unit?
a) About 150 million kilometers
b) 300,000 km per second
c) 63,000 kilometers
d) A unit astronauts use.

How far is a light year?
a) About 150 million kilometers
b) 300,000 km per second
c) 63,000 kilometers
d) A unit astronauts use.

What is the big bang?
a) A television show.
b) The distance light travels in a year.
c) Our solar system.
d) A theory that states the universe expanded quickly and became the solar system.

What is the solar system?
a) The planets from Mercury to Pluto
b) The Sun and Earth.
c) Planets with life.
d) The Sun and all things that orbit it.

What is a nebula?
a) A cloud on Earth.
b) A cloud that is found around a planet.
c) A cloud of gas and dust in space between stars.
d) A type of star.

What types of galaxies are there?
a) Elliptical only
b) Elliptical and spiral
c) Elliptical, spiral, irregular
d) Irregular only

Which list contains things only found in the solar system?
a) Sun, planet, Moons and asteroids.
b) Sun, stars, galaxies
c) Planets, black holes, Moon and asteroids
d) Stars and nebulae

How did the Earth get the Moon?
a) A planetesimal hit Earth, eventually accreting and staying within Earth's gravity.
b) The Earth split into two, creating a second planetary body, which became our Moon.
c) The Earth captured a planetesimal in its gravity.
d) The dust and gas that created the Earth also created the Moon.

When does a solar eclipse happen?
a) During new Moon phase, when the Moon passes between Earth and Sun.
b) During full Moon phase, when the Earth passes between the Moon and Sun.

When does a lunar eclipse happen?
a) During new Moon phase, when the Moon passes between Earth and Sun.
b) During full Moon phase, when the Earth passes between the Moon and Sun.

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