PS Investigation 4 Question Preview (ID: 47573)
Moon Phases.
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Why do we seen the Moon?
a) It reflects sunlight.
b) It makes its own light.
c) It reflects house lights.
d) It reflects street lights.
How many phases of the Moon are there?
a) 8
b) 6
c) 4
d) 16
When we can't see any of the Moon, it is a
a) New Moon
b) First Quarter
c) Third Quarter
d) Full Moon
When we can see the whole Moon, it is called a
a) Full Moon
b) New Moon
c) Third Quarter
d) First Quarter
How long does it take the Moon to go through the cycle of phases?
a) about 29 days
b) exactly 30 days
c) two weeks
d) three and a half weeks
The word waxing means
a) getting bigger
b) getting smaller
The word waning means
a) getting bigger
b) getting smaller
As the moon waxes, we see the light on the _____ side.
a) right
b) left
As the moon waxes, we see the light on the _____ side.
a) left
b) right
We can see half of the Moon during which two phases?
a) third quarter and first quarter
b) new Moon and full Moon
c) waxing crescent and waning crescent
d) waxing gibbous and waning gibbous
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