Business Law Unit 1 - Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 47567)

Part 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Atkins was driving on a two-lane road. He passed another vehicle in a no passing zone. Atkins hit another vehicle, killing the driver. What crime did Atkins commit?
a) Larceny
b) Kidnapping
c) First-degree murder
d) Second-degree murder

Walter sends a threatening letter to a U.S. Supreme Court justice. Which agency would be responsible for providing protection to the judge?
a) FBI
b) U.S. Marshall
c) DEA
d) Homeland Security

During a routine traffic stop, the police realize the driver is wanted for several felonies. What action will occur next?
a) Answer
b) Arrest
c) Bail
d) Complaint

Jon hit Bo with a baseball bat. What tort was committed?
a) Assault
b) Battery
c) Negligence
d) Nuisance

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has passed a new rule as an administrative agency. Who will review the final decision by the EPA?
a) Congress
b) Courts
c) Governor
d) President

While on trial, a person’s lawyer presents his/her final plea. In what step during a jury trial does this occur?
a) Closing arguments
b) Opening statements
c) Instructions to the jury
d) Introduction of evidence

After a terrorist bombing attack, which federal agency has jurisdiction to assist with clean up and recovery?
a) FBI
b) U.S. Marshall
c) DEA
d) Homeland Security

In war, captains understand a few of their soldiers will die. This is done so that thousands of people will live in freedom after the war. Which theory supports this reasoning?
a) Consequential reasoning
b) Feelings and opinions
c) The Golden Rule
d) The greatest good

An adult goes to court for an arraignment. In what type of trial will this procedure occur?
a) Administrative
b) Civil
c) Criminal
d) Jury

The court case, Murphy v. State of North Carolina, is heard by which branch of government?
a) Administrative
b) Executive
c) Judicial
d) Legislative

Felicia does not appear in court at her designated time. What will she forfeit?
a) Arraignment
b) Bail
c) Interrogation
d) Probation

What legal concepts did the United States adopt when it gained independence?
a) English common law
b) Napoleanic law
c) Natural laws
d) Roman civil law

A store security guard holding a customer without just cause is committing which tort?
a) False assault
b) False battery
c) False imprisonment
d) False nuisance

After stealing several thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, the police arrest the suspect. What is the classification of this crime?
a) Assault
b) Felony
c) Larceny
d) Misdemeanor

James transferred money to a known international terrorist group linked to a plot to destroy a historical federal landmark. Which federal agency has jurisdiction for this investigation?
a) FBI
b) U.S. Marshal
c) DEA
d) Department of Homeland Security

A North Carolina state government employee is accused of embezzling money from the state. Which law enforcement agency would have jurisdiction for this investigation?
b) NC Highway Patrol
c) FBI
d) Local police

After Rachel repeatedly rejected Tom’s advances, Tom committed date rape. What type of crime was committed?
a) Larceny
b) Kidnapping
c) Sexuality
d) Sex offenses

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