Hope Was Here Skills Review Question Preview (ID: 47533)

Parallel Structure, Vocabulary And Figurative Language. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Choose the sentence with correct parallel structure.
a) The moose ate all the cookies, all the cheese, and it ate all the burritos, too!
b) The moose ate all the cookies, all the cheese, and every last one of the burritos.
c) The moose ate all the cookies, all the cheese, and all the burritos.
d) The moose was eating the cookies, and ate all the cheese and bananas.

Choose the sentence with correct parallel structure.
a) The mysterious stranger hailed a cab, hopped in, and disappeared into traffic.
b) The mysterious stranger hailed a cab, hopped in, and was disappearing into traffic.
c) The mysterious stranger hailed a cab, to hop in, and disappeared into traffic.
d) The mysterious stranger hailing a cab hopped in and would disappear into traffic.

Choose the sentence with correct parallel structure.
a) The bees stung Gabriel’s elbows, his nose, and stinging his pride.
b) The bees stung Gabriel’s elbows, his nose, and they made him feel silly.
c) The bees stung Gabriel’s elbows, his nose, and his pride.
d) Gabriel's elbow was stung by bees, his nose and his pride.

What is the meaning of remission in this sentence? “I’ve had one round of chemotherapy, Emma. I’m hoping it will put me into remission.”
a) vacation
b) gone or temporarily gone
c) absent
d) in the hospital

What is the meaning of pilferer in this sentence? Gleason Beal is a...pilferer.
a) saint
b) good man
c) thief
d) enemy

What is the meaning of steadfast in this sentence? Steadfastness is the best trait for a father, in my opinion, and believe me I’ve studied the species.
a) generous
b) steady and loyal
c) absent
d) honest

What is the meaning of pulverized in this sentence? Some hopes just get pulverized.
a) destroyed
b) fulfilled
c) lost
d) set aside

What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? And G.T. Stoop strode smiling through the crowd that parted for him like the Red Sea did for Moses.
a) simile
b) allusion
c) personification
d) onomatopoeia

What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? Back at the Welcome Stairways we were deep in the weeds-that's diner language for way too busy.
a) simile
b) alliteration
c) metaphor
d) idiom

What type of figurative language is used in this sentence? And I saw right then if you're going to cut the mustard in food service, you'd better know how to handle the turmoil.
a) idiom
b) onomatopoeia
c) metaphor
d) alliteration

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