Courtney Vocab 1 Question Preview (ID: 47521)

Words Using The Prefixes Anti, De, Dis, En, Em, And Fore. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) against knocking on doors
b) against the military
c) don't like being around people
d) don't like a policy

a) an award given for scholars
b) to prove the opposite of
c) a medicine given to counteract a poison
d) mark against someone for an offense

a) to show to be false
b) to make a scientific discovery
c) to separate one from another
d) to set apart

a) to take away a right
b) to allow someone to do something
c) to mark as correct
d) to live peaceably

a) when the sun is behind you
b) stand before a person
c) warn of a future event
d) to make a disturbing discovery

a) gun used to attack a military aircraft
b) against flying aircraft
c) the fear of flying aircraft
d) AOC's Green New Deal plan

a) to take away pride
b) to remove and take away
c) to remove moisture from the air
d) to add moisture to the air

a) to say bad things about mantles
b) to remove a portion of the earth's mantle
c) to remove a mantle from a fireplace
d) to take a machine or structure to pieces

a) to inscribe a design on
b) to lead in the workplace
c) to write a memo
d) to force to obey

a) liking a lot of people
b) being the first in line
c) prominent in rank
d) in front of a group of people

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