Consequences Of Cyberbullying Question Preview (ID: 47491)

Test Your Knowledge About Consequences Of Cyberbullying. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Darren was bullied online by a classmate. He has been feeling sad and angry and doesn't know how to deal with it. What might Darren do
a) Darren might start to feel sick about it and even miss school
b) Darren's school work might suffer because he is thinking so much about the cyberbullying
c) Darren might withdraw from his friends because he doesn't really know who supports him and who is against him
d) All of the answers are correct, cyberbullying has lots of consequences

Chelsea made fun of one of her friends online. Which of the following do you think is most likely to happen to Chelsea in the near future
a) Everyone will love Chelsea and want to be friends with her
b) Friends may start pulling away from Chelsea and not want to hang out with her anymore
c) The friend she made fun of will do anything she can to be friends with Chelsea again
d) Chelsea will develop a reputation for being a kind person and a good friend

Jill received a threatening message from a cyberbully
a) She should save the evidence, tell a trusted adult, and call the police
b) She should write a threatening message back
c) She should copy it and pass it along to spread the fear
d) She should keep it a secret

Someone made fun of Sam's new haircut on social media
a) Sam should go back to his old hair style
b) Sam should make fun of them online and spread more meanness
c) Sam should ignore the haters but address them if it happens again or gets worse
d) Sam should let this ruin his life forever

If Joanna posts a mean message online, her friends
a) may not want to be friends with her anymore
b) will think she is kind
c) will always agree with what she said
d) will make sure it is kept a secret

If Dolan is caught sharing mean photos of a classmate online
a) There will be no punishment
b) Nobody will ever know
c) Everyone will think it is funny
d) He could get punished at school; even suspended

If Leon is cyberbullied online he may feel
a) Sad
b) Mad
c) Frustrated
d) All of the answers are correct

Doug found a school computer that Jane forgot to log out of. He sent out mean messages from Jane's account. What is likely to happen next?
a) Doug also fooled the teacher in the computer room, got an alibi to say he wasn't on the computer at all, and left no trace.
b) Jane's friends talked to Jane about the messages, she informed a teacher, and the school conducted an investigation
c) Everyone thought Jane's messages, that Doug really wrote, were funny and Jane became more popular.
d) No one even got Jane's messages because everyone got tired of going online.

Jesse threatened a classmate online. What is likely to happen to Jesse?
a) The police and school get involved. Jesse is then expelled from school.
b) Nothing, online threats are not real or harmful.
c) Jesse receives the Outstanding Student of the Year award.
d) Jesse and the classmate become best friends.

Amy was mad yesterday and said something mean about Caylee online. Now, Amy feels guilty and regrets what she said. What should she do?
a) Nothing, no one probably read it anyway.
b) Keep being mean to Caylee online and in real life so she won't have to admit she was wrong.
c) Apologize to Caylee and hope for forgiveness.
d) Go offline forever.

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