Unit 5: Classical Civilizations - Rome Question Preview (ID: 47458)

Rome. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Greeks and this group of people settle in present day Rome at around 650 BC. Much of the Roman art, culture, and architecture is based off of this civilization.
a) Spartans
b) Etruscans
c) Macedonians
d) Mesopotamians

Roamsn used this form of government system, where citizens elect their leaders and representatives
a) Monarchy
b) Oligarchy
c) Republic
d) Feudalism

Was built initially to transport Roman soldiers throughout the Roman Empire, but also led to an increase of trade items and spread of culture
a) Silk Road
b) Three Tiered Sailing Ships
c) The Transcontinental Trade Route
d) Roman roads

Rome’s ruling class, wealthy landowners, minority group
a) Plebeians
b) Patricians
c) Consuls
d) Brahmins

Served for short periods of time, usually a year, were of the Patricians class, head of military, there were two of them
a) Consuls
b) Tribunes
c) Praetors
d) Senators

Oppressive, total control leaders
a) Consuls
b) Dictators
c) Oligarchs
d) Senators

governing body that used tribunes, elected officials who voiced the concerns of the lower class people to the government.
a) Senate
b) Consul
c) Council of Elders
d) Council of Plebians

Laws that extended to those non Romans who were conquered by Rome. Helped keep order and stability because it was a fair way to treat those who were conquered and now fell under Rome's rule
a) Twelve Tables
b) Rule of Law
c) Law of Nations
d) Hammurabi's Code

the Punic Wars, development of latifundia's, and the growing divide between the rich and the poor leads to
a) Increase in the Senate's power
b) Fall of the Roman Empire
c) A Civil War that leads to the development of monarchs in Rome
d) An increase in agricultural production and government efficiency

Roman military commander, and dictator in 44 BCE
a) Ceasar
b) Agustus
c) Gary
d) Solomon

the 200 year period starting with Caesar Augustus’ (Octavian) rule, peace and prosperity. Ends 180 AD
a) Rule of Law Period
b) Pax Romana
c) Empire Period
d) The Great Period

Roman economy is based mostly on
a) Iron
b) Mining
c) Gold
d) Agriculture

government officials that interpreted laws and served as judges
a) Consuls
b) Plebeians
c) Praetors
d) Senators

Assembly of Centuries
a) voted on who would be Rome's dictators during times of crisis
b) debated foreign policy
c) Were plebians
d) Elected Consuls and praetors,

Group of 300 patrician men, served for life. Debated foreign policy, proposed laws, and approved construction of roads and temples
a) Senate
b) Council of Plebs
c) Praetors
d) Council of Elders

Consuls could veto each other on important decisions. Veto means to
a) overrule
b) support so that they can overturn Senate vote
c) convince
d) Ratify

Roman government crated the concept of checks and balances among the branches of government. What does checks and balances mean?
a) The government can write checks to pay for expenses, like building aqueducts, roads, and bridges
b) Each branch has some power or authority over each other so that one branch does not get too powerful
c) Dictators can check the authority of the governing branches
d) A balance of monarchy and dictatorship will lead to a balanced government

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