Genre Review Game Question Preview (ID: 47405)
Genre Review Game.
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Which type of genre is a type of fantasy that uses science and technology (robots, time machines, etc.)?
a) historical fiction
b) science fiction
c) informational
d) biography
Which type of genre is a text that provide facts about a variety of topics (sports, animals, science, history, careers, travel, geography, space, weather, etc.)?
a) traditional literature
b) fantasy
c) mystery
d) informational
Harry Potter is an example of which type of genre?
a) fantasy
b) realistic fiction
c) autobiography
d) informational
The Snake Haired Monster is an example of which type of genre?
a) biography
b) realistic fiction
c) traditional literature/myth
d) historical fiction
Which type of genre is a suspenseful story about a puzzling event that is not solved until the end of the story?
a) mystery
b) traditional literature
c) autobiography
d) realistic fiction
The Diary of a Wimpy Kid is an example of which type of genre?
a) biography
b) science fiction
c) realistic fiction
d) traditional literature
Which type of genre is a story of a real person's life that is written that person?
a) biography
b) informational
c) realistic fiction
d) autobiography
Which type of genre is a story that is passed down from one group to another in history. This includes folktales, legends, fables, fairy tales, tall tales, and myths from different cultures?
a) fantasy
b) mystery
c) traditional literature
d) historical fiction
Which type of genre is a story that includes elements that are impossible such as talking animals or magical powers? Make-believe is what this genre is all about.
a) science fiction
b) fantasy
c) autobiography
d) informational
Which type of genre is a story that uses made-up characters that could happen in real life?
a) science fiction
b) historical fiction
c) fantasy
d) realistic fiction
Which type of genre is a fictional story that takes place in a particular time period in the past? The setting is often real, but the characters are made up from the author's imagination.
a) biography
b) science fiction
c) mystery
d) historical fiction
Which type of genre is a story of a real person's life written by another person?
a) realistic fiction
b) biography
c) informational
d) autobiography
Cinderella is an example of which type of genre?
a) historical fiction
b) realistic fiction
c) autobiography
d) traditional literature/fairy tale
What is the definition of genre?
a) the message the author is trying to convey
b) what the text is mostly about
c) the type of text you're reading
d) the view from which the story is told
Which type of genre includes magic, has both good and evil characters, and typically begins with once upon a time and ends with happily ever after?
a) realistic fiction
b) traditional literature/fairy tale
c) science fiction
d) historical fiction
Sherlock Holmes is an example of which type of genre?
a) informational
b) traditional literature
c) mystery
d) science fiction
Which type of genre includes a futuristic setting?
a) historical fiction
b) traditional literature
c) informational
d) science fiction
Star Wars is an example of which type of genre?
a) informational
b) historical fiction
c) fantasy
d) science fiction
What is the difference between fiction and nonfiction?
a) Nonfiction is a made-up story, while fiction includes facts and information about a topic.
b) Fiction is a made-up story, while nonfiction includes facts and information about a topic.
c) There is no difference between the two.
The I Survived series are examples of which type of genre?
a) traditional literature
b) informational
c) fantasy
d) historical fiction
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