Evolution Review Game - Biology Question Preview (ID: 47335)

Review For Biology Final. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is evolution?
a) Change over time
b) Study of life
c) Study of fossils
d) Best for the environment survive

A measure of an organisms ability to survive and reproduce is...
a) Adaptation
b) Fitness
c) Selection
d) Variation

When two species live in a similar environment, and evolve similar traits this is called...
a) Convergent evolution
b) Divergent evolution
c) Natural selection
d) Artificial Selection

Which is a mechanism of evolution?
a) Natural Selection
b) Artificial Selection
c) Genetic Drift
d) All of the above

Birds and butterflies both have wings, but their common ancestor did not have wings. Their wings are an example of...
a) Homologous structures
b) Analogous structures
c) Embryology
d) Vestigial structures

Which is an example of a vestigial structure in humans?
a) Backbone
b) 10 fingers and toes
c) Wisdom teeth
d) Bones in arms

In the desert, light colored lizards match the color of the sand. What do you think will happen to the number of lizards over time?
a) Light number will decrease (become less)
b) Light number will increase (become more)
c) Light number will not change
d) Cannot predict from the information given

Cladograms show...
a) Potential offspring
b) Family disease history
c) Data from an experiment
d) Evolutionary relationships

Lamarck believed in...
a) Inheritance of acquired traits
b) Natural selection as a mechanism of evolution

Which is an example of a fossil?
a) Preserved footprints
b) Animal droppings (poop)
c) Dinosaur bones
d) All of the above

Which is NOT a part of natural selection?
a) Variation
b) Communication
c) Competition
d) Adaptation

Evolution happens to individuals
a) True
b) False

Charles Darwin came up with
a) Evolution
b) Natural selection as a mechanism for evolution
c) Study of fossils
d) Changes in the earth

A population of fish get separated from the main population. After 1000 years they are reunited but now have different traits. What happened?
a) Divergent evolution
b) Convergent evolution
c) Artificial Selection
d) Sexual Selection

Embryology is...
a) Evidence of evolution
b) Study of how organisms develop
c) Used to see similar characteristics
d) All of the above

Organisms fighting for resources is called
a) Competition
b) Adaptation
c) Selection
d) Variation

Differences between organisms are called....
a) Competition
b) Adaptation
c) Selection
d) Variation

When comparing DNA sequences between organisms...
a) The more differences in DNA, the more similar the organisms are
b) The more differences in DNA, the more closely related the organisms are
c) The fewer differences in DNA, the more similar the organisms are
d) The fewer differences in DNA, the more closely the organisms are

The formation of a new species is called
a) Speciation
b) Variation
c) Fossilization
d) Adaptation

This scientists said the earth was older than 6000 years and that some species share a common ancestor.
a) Erasmus Darwin
b) Charles Darwin
c) Georges Louis Lecler de Buffon
d) Jean Baptiste Lamarck

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