Enduring Issues Topics Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 47290)

This Is A Review Of Some Enduring Issues In Social Studies, Their Definitions, And Some Examples. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Examples of Inequality would be
a) lack of access to information, lack of access to education, lack of access to food, or lack of access to shelter.
b) involvement in maintaining peace or in multinational peacekeeping efforts, or of mediating disputes.
c) war, competition, armed struggle, or resistance.

Examples of Power would be
a) unfair distribution of power, shifts in power and authority, power struggles, relationship of ruler to ruled, social class t
b) war, competition, armed struggle, or resistance.
c) involvement in maintaining peace or in multinational peacekeeping efforts, or of mediating disputes.

What is Inequality?
a) the state of being unequal, where one group has more power than the other.
b) the process of working together to achieve the same goal.
c) the ability to influence or control the behavior of people.

What is Power?
a) the ability to influence or control the behavior of people.
b) a serious disagreement or argument.
c) the state of being unequal, where one group has more power than the other.

What is Cooperation?
a) the process of working together to achieve the same goal.
b) a serious disagreement or argument.
c) the state of being unequal, where one group has more power than the other.

Examples of cooperation would be
a) involvement in maintaining peace or in multinational peacekeeping efforts, or of mediating disputes.
b) war, competition, armed struggle, or resistance.
c) lack of access to information, lack of access to education, lack of access to food, or lack of access to shelter.

What is Conflict?
a) a serious disagreement or argument.
b) the process of working together to achieve the same goal.
c) the ability to influence or control the behavior of people.

Examples of conflict would be
a) war, competition, armed struggle, or resistance.
b) lack of access to information, lack of access to education, lack of access to food, or lack of access to shelter.
c) involvement in maintaining peace or in multinational peacekeeping efforts, or of mediating disputes.

What does Identify mean?
a) to name.
b) to have existed across time.
c) to explain features of a thing.

What is an enduring issue?
a) an issue that has existed across time.
b) to name.
c) to explain features of a thing .

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