Final Exam 2019 US I #2 Question Preview (ID: 47276)

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Who served as a Union Naval Captain, was decorated for heroism and serves as a Congressman?
a) Robert Smalls
b) John Brown
c) Frederick Douglass
d) John Paul Jones

After the Civil War, Confederate currency was -?
a) safe in Southern Banks
b) used until it wore out
c) traded for United States dollars
d) worthless in economic value

Why did the North support tariffs?
a) pressure Britain into buying American cotton crops
b) pay the cost of transporting runaway slaves
c) protect factory owners ftom foreign competitors
d) prevent families in the South from receiving goods

Robert E. Lee refused to take command of the union forces during the Civil War because he-?
a) believed the South would form a new country
b) Would not fight against his home state
c) thought Ulysses S. Grant would make a better general
d) did not think it would pay him enough

Which territory existed as an independent republic before becoming a state?
a) New Mexico
b) Utah
c) Texas
d) California

Which action came between teh Missouri Compromise and the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
a) Compromise of 1850
b) Monroe Doctrine
c) Tariff of 1832
d) Great Compromise

What was the effect of the development of the steam locomotive and the steamboat?
a) increased need for slave labor
b) assisted in reform of labor laws
c) delivered raw materials to factories
d) increased production of cotton

Which event occurred after the French and indian War ended and before the Colonists were dissatisfied with British rule?
a) Taxes imposed on the colonists
b) taxes placed on British soldiers
c) taxation opposed by British merchants
d) Taxation controlled by the colonists

Lewis and Clark's expedition was teh result of actions taken by -?
a) George Washington
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) James Madison
d) John Adams

Why were statues built to honor Stonewall Jackson?
a) the leader of the Army of Northern Virginia
b) the commander of the Battle of Vicksburg
c) he was a skilled Confederate general
d) a famous Union slodier

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