Digital Design 2 (Part 2) Question Preview (ID: 47274)

Digital Design 2 (Part 2). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This is the shortcut to zoom in.
a) Command +
b) Command 0
c) Command Z
d) Command A

The term serif is used when describing what?
a) fonts
b) colors
c) pixels
d) paths

The term anchor is used when describing what?
a) paths
b) pixels
c) colors
d) fonts

Fill in the blanks: Saturation means the __________ of a color, and value means the __________ of a color.
a) lightness or darkness / intensity
b) hue / tint
c) intensity / lightness or darkness
d) hue / shade

What does it mean to rasterize a layer?
a) To convert it to pixels.
b) To move it to the top of the other layers.
c) To desaturate the color in the layer.
d) To add a filter to the layer.

Use this tool to select and move a shape drawn by the pen tool.
a) The move tool
b) The direct selection tool
c) The marquee tool
d) The quick selection tool

A photo that uses subject matter to enclose the focal point, is using this type of compositional rule.
a) Balancing elements
b) Creative framing
c) Leading lines
d) Rule of Thirds

A photo in which the focal point rests on invisible intersecting dividing lines is using this type of compositional rule.
a) Creative framing
b) Balancing elements
c) Symmetry
d) Rule of thirds

When using any tool, the options menu for that tool can be found . . .
a) at the top of the workspace.
b) in the layers window.
c) at the bottom of the workspace.
d) in the styles menu.

Aside from exposure, what does shutter speed control
a) The showing and stopping of motion
b) Depth of field
c) Warmth or coolness in the color of a photo
d) Photo noise

One red circle in a pattern of 20 green triangles is known as this.
a) An ornament
b) An absent
c) An abscess
d) An anomoly

CMYK stands for:
a) Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Keytone
b) Colore, Movement, Year, Kinetics
c) Color managing your kaleidoscope
d) Cools, Magentas, Yellows, Kippers

Hold down the command key while clicking on the text icon in the layers window to do what?
a) Open up a new text box.
b) Instantly mask the text.
c) Make a selection around only the text.
d) Warp the text.

A design that uses a series of repeating triangles would be using this principle of Gestalt?
a) Similarity
b) Proximity
c) Closure
d) Figure and Ground

Push this letter to toggle between your foreground and background colors.
a) Z
b) Y
c) T
d) X

What happens when you hold down the Command key and click on the thumbnail in a layer?
a) You can access the layer menu.
b) You create a selection of everything in that layer.
c) You mask the layer.
d) You can drag the layer up and down.

We create guides in Photoshop by pulling them from where?
a) The rulers
b) The corners
c) The menu
d) The layers

These are the shortcuts to copy and paste
a) Command C and Command P
b) Control C and Control P
c) Command C and Command V
d) Shift C and Shift P

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