English IIH Semester 2 Final Exam Review Tone Words Question Preview (ID: 47273)
IIH Final Exam Sem 2 Tone Words.
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a) Utilizing vivid word choice
b) The rearranging of a sentence for dramatic effect
c) Two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.
d) Comparing two unlike things using like or as
Tone Shift
a) When a tone remains the same from the beginning to end
b) When a tone changes the mood of the poem
c) When a tone changes from one attitude to another
a) The author's attitude towards a topic
b) The overall message or moral of the story
c) The climax of the story or poem
d) The ending or resolution of a story
a) Strong theme
b) Strong word choice
c) Strong imagery
d) Strong sentence structue
a) Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
b) Referencing another text, story, or poem
c) Evoking a drastic change in tone or mood
d) Humorous, funny, or light-hearted
a) Showing high moral character or authority
b) Having or showing a feeling of patronizing superiority
c) Serious in nature
d) Whimsical in spirit
a) Angry and judgemental
b) Morose and forlorn
c) Cheerful and friendly
d) Humorous and whimsical
a) Intended to judge or shame
b) Intended for humor
c) Intended to provide no feeling one way or the other
d) Intended to teach or provide instruction
a) Showing an inability to understand and share the feelings of another
b) Showing the characteristics of a child or childlike behavior
c) Showing high character and maturity
d) Showing an ability to understand and share the feelings of another
a) Insincere
b) Inconsolable
c) Sincere
d) Laughable
a) Arrogant
b) Amiable
c) Kind
d) Understanding
a) Hysterical or emotional
b) Sincere or honest
c) Untenable or unobjecting
d) Mocking or cynical
a) Pre-judging an issue or a person
b) Treating an issue with deliberate humor
c) Showing a seriousness or grave attitude
d) Showing no depth or understanding
a) Painfully aware of the present
b) Looking towards the future with terror
c) Hopeful for the future
d) Wistful for the past
a) Gentle and kind
b) Rude or rough
c) Pragmatic and cold
d) Understanding and gracious
a) Expressing contempt or ridicule
b) Expressing fear of change
c) Expressing sarcasm and humor
d) Expressing woe and ennui
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