Spring Final 2019 Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 47268)

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Removing a predator for the ecosystem
a) helps biodiversity increase
b) does not help biodiviersity
c) keeps biodiversity the same
d) provides stability to the environment

A wilted plant is the result of
a) a vacuole full of water
b) lack of water in the vacuole
c) a vacuole full of blood
d) a vacuole that is half way empty

When a match is lit up which energy conversion takes place?
a) chemical to light energy
b) light to chemical energy
c) chemical to mechanical energy
d) mechanical to light energy

Which two organelles remove waste from the cell?
a) chloroplast and nucleus
b) chloroplast and vacuole
c) cell membrane and nucleus
d) vacuole and cell membrane

Which is an example of electrical energy to heat energy?
a) using a curling iron
b) a plant doing photosynthesis
c) rain in a hot summer day
d) running a bicycle down hill

Pumping blood through out the body is done by...
a) the heart
b) the lungs
c) the kidneys
d) the brain

Which body system controls the rest of the body systems?
a) the circulatory system
b) the respiratory system
c) the nervous system
d) the digestive system

Which is an example of a chemical reaction taking place?
a) an ice cube melting with heat
b) cheese melting on a pan
c) water turning red after mixing it with cool-aid
d) a solid forming from mixing two liquids

Which is an example of natural selection?
a) dogs having different color fur
b) birds having different beak sizes due to food available
c) cats sleeping a lot when they become adults
d) hamsters sleeping during the day and playing at night

Selective breeding is...
a) when humans breed animals for desirable traits
b) when nature decides which traits animals will have
c) when both humans and nature decide animals' traits
d) that doesn't exist

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