Spring Final 2019 Question Preview (ID: 47267)

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Which of the following is NOT part of the cell theory
a) Cells are very small
b) cells come from pre-existing cells
c) the cell is the basic unit of life
d) all organisms are made of cells

When an organism gets scared...
a) its hear rate decreases
b) its heart rate increases
c) its heart rate stays the same
d) IDK

Primary and secondary consumers...
a) get energy from not eating
b) get their energy from photosynthesis
c) get their energy from the sun
d) get their energy by eating other organism

What happens when plants get energy form the sun
a) they convert that energy from radiant energy to chemical energy
b) they convert that energy from sound energy to chemical energy
c) they convert that energy from radiant energy to light energy
d) they convert that energy from radiant energy to mechanical energy

In a river flow how does pollution usually travels
a) upstream
b) downstream
c) to the left side
d) to the right side

The kidneys...
a) regulate the amount of water
b) regulate the amount of energy
c) filter water from the blood
d) filter waste from the blood

a) doesn't do much for organisms
b) looks cool
c) help organism survive attacks from predators
d) always help organisms find water

Which list has to do with heredity?
a) chromosomes, genes, vacuole
b) vacuole, nucleus, chloroplast
c) nucleus, genes, chromosomes
d) chloroplast, nucleus, vacuole

The respiratory system is mainly composed of...
a) the lungs
b) the kidneys
c) the heart
d) the brain

In an energy pyramid most of the energy is found
a) IDK
b) in the middle
c) at the top
d) at the bottom

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