Evolution Quiz Question Preview (ID: 47258)

Evolution. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A well supported explanation of phenomena that have occurred in the natural world is called a(n) ________.
a) Law
b) Theory
c) Hypothesis
d) Idea

Darwin’s hypothesis about how life changes over time and new species develop is called the theory of…
a) Evolution
b) Variation
c) Derived Characters
d) Use and Disuse

What was the mechanism Darwin proposed as the force of evolution?
a) Use and Disuse
b) Tendency toward Perfection
c) Geological Processes
d) Natural Selection

5. Which of the following is a geographical barrier that will lead to speciation (separate species)?
a) a. Two populations of pine trees that reproduce by windblown pollen are separated by a river.
b) b. An earthquake creates a deep canyon that divides a population of small mice.
c) c. An earthquake creates a deep canyon that divides a population of birds.
d) d. A hill is in-between two populations of flies.

6. A small group of birds flies from a larger population onto a small island. What is the most likely reason that the new population of island birds would have different allele frequencies from original large population?
a) Genetic Bottleneck
b) Natural Selection
c) Founder Effect
d) Convergent Evolution

8. Which of the following are examples of homologous structures, but not analogous?
a) a. Bird wing and butterfly wing
b) b. Dolphin fin and fish fin
c) c. Duck bill and platypus bill
d) d. Dolphin fin and human arm

9. The remnant of an organ or structure that had a function in an early ancestor is known as a(n)
a) Homologous Structure
b) Analogous Structure
c) Fossil Structure
d) Vestigial Structure

All the individuals of a single species that live in a particular area are called a
a) a. variation
b) b. fossil
c) c. population.
d) d. group.

Which of the following best demonstrates how embryos are a source of evidence for evolution?
a) a. Species that are more closely related will look more similar during development
b) b. Species that are more closely related will look more different during development
c) c. Species that are less closely related will look more similar during development
d) d. Species that are less closely related will never look similar during development

Individuals that are well adapted to their environment will survive and produce
a) fewer mutations
b) more offspring
c) stronger genes
d) better traits

Natural selection results in change overtime by acting on traits that are...
a) heritable
b) new
c) chosen
d) acquired

Why is fitness also related to the ability of an organism to reproduce?
a) Organisms must reproduce to change their genes
b) Organisms must reproduce to pass on their genes
c) Organisms must reproduce to gain adaptations
d) Organisms must reproduce to naturally select

Which of the following would result in genetic equilibrium for a population?
a) Non-random Mating
b) Mutations
c) Random Mating
d) Immigration or emigration

Which of the following is NOT a mechanism that drives evolution by chance?
a) Population bottleneck
b) Founder Effect
c) Genetic Drift
d) Natural Selection

Does evolution just affect animals and plants? Explain.
a) No- all living things can evolve over time
b) No- evolution can affects all living and non-living things
c) Yes- bacteria and fungi cannot evolve over time
d) No- animals and plants cannot evolve over time

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