Anat/Phys Respiratory System Question Preview (ID: 47254)

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Vital capacity is
a) TV + IRV + ERV
b) TV + IRV
c) IRV + ERV
d) TV + IRV + ERV + RV

The amount of air that remains in the lungs after forced expiration is the
a) residual volume
b) vital capacity
c) expiratory reserve volume
d) tidal volume

The amount of air exchanged during quiet respiration is the
a) inspiratory reserve volume
b) vital capacity
c) total lung capacity
d) tidal volume

What causes air to enter the lungs during inhalation?
a) higher air pressure in the lungs than outside
b) higher air pressure outside the lungs than inside
c) positive pressure in the thoracic cavity
d) relaxation of the diaphragm

What nervous centers control respiration?
a) hypothalamus and midbrain
b) thalamus and hypothalamus
c) midbrain and pons
d) pons and medulla oblongata

What is the site of gas exchange in the lungs?
a) bronchioles
b) bronchi
c) aveoli
d) pleura

What prevents the trachea from collapsing?
a) thyroid cartilage
b) C-shaped cartilages in the tracheal wall
c) mucosa lining the trachea
d) cricoid cartilage

Structure that prevents food from entering the trachea is the
a) pharynx.
b) thyroid cartilage.
c) bronchus.
d) epiglottis.

Upper respiratory structure(s) that create air turbulence to warm and moisten air is/ are
a) the pharynx.
b) the conchae.
c) the larynx.
d) the tonsils.

The most powerful drive for respiration is
a) oxygen content in the blood.
b) the amount of air in the lungs.
c) carbon dioxide content in the blood.
d) signals from stretch receptors in the lungs.

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