Unit 7 Quiz 2 Question Preview (ID: 47252)

Southeast Asia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following events happened third
a) Philippines gain indépendance
b) East Timor gains independence
c) Cambodia gains independence
d) Indonesia gains independence

Which of the four following events came second
a) Indonesia gains independence
b) Cambodia gains independence
c) East Timor gains independence
d) Philippines gain indépendance

Which of the four following events came first
a) Philippines gain indépendance
b) East Timor gains independence
c) Cambodia gains independence
d) Indonesia gains independence

Which of the four following events came last
a) Indonesia gains independence
b) Cambodia gains independence
c) East Timor gains independence
d) Philippines gain indépendance

Competition for too few jobs at too low wages cause
a) a great economy
b) great economic disparity
c) a great county
d) no opportunities

Buddhism, Islam, and christianity are
a) important religions in SE Asia
b) Are not found in SE Asia
c) Are minor religions in SE Asia
d) Are only found in SE Asia

Who won the Vietnam war?
a) The US
b) The French
c) The North Vietnam
d) The South Vietnam

Waterways enable transportation and trade therefore people live
a) on the coasts
b) in the mountains
c) in the gorges
d) on the plains

What encouraged the spread of Buddhism to Indochina
a) geography
b) oceans
c) air quality
d) underground tunnels

Reservoirs were used to store water in what empire?
a) Mongol
b) Khmer
c) French
d) I-ching

What ancient empire was found in modern day Indonesia?
a) I-ching
b) Mongol
c) Khmer
d) Tang

Where did Khmer emerged as a great empire in the ninth century ?
a) Indochina
b) Middle east
c) Mekong
d) Mongolia

What type of government do Brunei, Cambodia, Malaysia and Thailand have?
a) Constitutional Monarchy
b) Republic
c) Communist Oligarchy
d) Absolute Monarchy

What type of government do E. Timor, Indonesia, Myanmar, Singapore and Philippines have?
a) Republic
b) Communist Oligarchy
c) Constitutional Monarchy
d) Absolute Monarchy

What type of government do Laos and Vietnam have?
a) Communist Oligarchy
b) Republic
c) Constitutional Monarchy
d) Absolute Monarchy

Vietnam reunited under Communist government after the US withdraw at the end of the Vietnam war
a) true
b) false

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