Gen Sci Final Exam Jeopardy 2019 Question Preview (ID: 47250)

Ch 34 And 35. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The removal and transport of pieces of preexisting rock
a) deposition
b) erosion
c) load
d) precipitation

The process of laying down eroded material in new locations
a) deposition
b) erosion
c) front
d) mass movement

The amount and type of sediment that a stream carries
a) load
b) speed
c) slope
d) front

The downward movement of rock and soil due to gravity
a) erosion
b) deposition
c) precipitation
d) mass movement

A mixture of fine, weathered rock particles, air, water, and organic matter
a) air mass
b) dew
c) front
d) soil

The disintegration or decomposition of rock at or near Earth's surface
a) erosion
b) weathering
c) deposition
d) mass movement

Which type of weathering changes the chemical composition of rocks?
a) mechanical weathering
b) ice wedging
c) chemical weathering
d) deposition

The slope of a stream is its
a) gradient
b) speed
c) discharge
d) load

The volume of water that a stream transports in a given amount of time is its
a) gradient
b) speed
c) discharge
d) load

In a stream, deposition occurs
a) on the outside of a curve
b) on the inside of a curve
c) along straight shorelines
d) on tops of hills

Which describes continental glaciers?
a) form in the valleys of mountainous areas
b) also called ice sheets
c) huge sheets of thick ice that cover many square miles
d) both ice sheets and many square miles

T/F: Wind cannot weather rock.
a) true
b) false

If groundwater weathers rock, what can occur?
a) sinkholes
b) caves
c) caverns
d) all

A large pool of air that has similar temperature and moisture characteristics throughout
a) air mass
b) atmosphere
c) climate
d) wind

The thin envelope of gases surrounding the solid planet
a) front
b) precipitation
c) atmosphere
d) climate

The general pattern of weather that occurs over a period of time
a) weather
b) climate
c) wind
d) air mass

The temperature at which the air becomes saturated
a) weather
b) air mass
c) dew point
d) precipitation

A boundary along which air masses meet
a) front
b) climate
c) wind
d) greenhouse effect

The process by which certain gases warm the atmosphere by trapping infrared radiation
a) greenhouse effect
b) global warming
c) dew point
d) precipitation

The mass of water in a given volume of air
a) dew point
b) humidity
c) precipitation
d) evaporation

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