Ecosystems Vocab Question Preview (ID: 47239)

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Any individual living thing
a) population
b) species
c) organism
d) ecosystem

All the organisms of a species in the ecosystem.
a) population
b) organism
c) ecosystem
d) community

All of the populations living in an area at the same time.
a) ecosystem
b) community
c) abiotic
d) organism

All of the living and nonliving parts of an environment and how they interact.
a) organism
b) community
c) ecosystem
d) population

a) biotic
b) autotroph
c) abiotic
d) living

a) biotic
b) Autotroph
c) heterotroph
d) abiotic

An organism that can make its own food.
a) autotroph
b) heterotroph
c) organism
d) population

An organism that cannot make its own food.
a) heterotroph
b) autotroph
c) population
d) community

An organism that eats only animals.
a) herbivore
b) omnivore
c) carnivore
d) None of the above

An animal that eats only plants.
a) herbivore
b) carnivore
c) omnivore
d) none of the above

A consumer that eats plants and animals.
a) omnivore
b) carnivore
c) herbivore
d) none of the above

An organisms job
a) niche
b) habitat
c) producer
d) consumer

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