US Money And Civics Review Question Preview (ID: 47238)

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Deposits in bank accounts can be accessed by what?
a) Checks and Debit Cards
b) Checks and Credit Cards
c) Loans and Interest
d) Coins and Currency

What behavior will an employer look for in an employee?
a) Tardiness
b) Humor
c) Bad attitude
d) Strong work ethic

What is a spending plan?
a) Bridget
b) Check
c) Budget
d) Credit card

What is the first step in career planning?
a) Filling out applications
b) Self-assessment
c) Asking your mom for help
d) Applying for a credit card

What should you do with your money now if you want to retire when you are older?
a) Save and invest
b) Spend and squander
c) Hide it under your bed
d) Make loans to friends

Who can declare acts of the President unconstitutional?
a) Judicial Branch
b) Legislative Branch
c) Executive Branch
d) Senate only

How can Congress check the President's veto?
a) Call the President into special session
b) Sue the executive branch
c) Override it with a 3/5 veto
d) Override with a 2/3 vote

What was the first form of national government for the United States?
a) U.S. Constitution
b) Declaration of Independence
c) Articles of Confederation
d) Bill of Rights

Private financial institutions help facilitate the exchange of money between which two groups?
a) Savers and government
b) Spenders and banks
c) Savers and borrowers
d) Borrowers and taxers

The goal of the Federal Reserve System is to keep the economy _______.
a) Depressed
b) Inflated
c) Stable
d) Taxed

What is a program you purchase from a company to protect you from loss?
a) Insurance
b) Stability
c) Credit
d) Cable

Technological advancements often create what in the workplace?
a) Many Problems
b) New Jobs
c) More Taxes
d) Enemies

Because the effect of supply and demand on salaries, workers in high demand jobs will make what?
a) Higher salaries
b) Lower salaries
c) Unemployment
d) Fast food

Keeping to a budget means you shouldn't ____ more than you _____ in a month.
a) earn, need
b) cook, eat
c) laugh, cry
d) spend, have

Who would be allowed to borrow money from the Federal Reserve?
a) U.S. Government
b) U.S. Citizens
c) U.S. Workers
d) Miss U.S.A.

How do financial institutions encourage savings?
a) Pay interest
b) Charge interest
c) Free toaster
d) Advertise

What do financial institutions do with your deposits?
a) Bury them in a shoe box
b) Start a fire
c) Make loans
d) Leave them in the vault

What banking service would you need to purchase a car or a house?
a) Credit Card
b) Free Toaster
c) Library Card
d) Loan

Financial capital for business expansion comes from where?
a) Individual credit cards
b) Loans from financial institutions
c) Robbing a bank
d) Business profits

Principle describing the division of governmental power among the three branches.
a) Federalism
b) Separation of powers
c) Checks and balances
d) Representative government

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