HSI Investigation 1 Question Preview (ID: 47218)

Human Body Systems. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which human body system removes waste from the body?
a) digestive
b) circulatory
c) respiratory
d) excretory

What is the job of the circulatory system?
a) exchange gases
b) breaks down food into nutrients
c) removes waste from the body
d) transports materials around the body

The lungs, alveoli, bronchi are all part of which body system?
a) endocrine
b) digestive
c) nervous
d) respiratory

Which 2 systems interact to help someone to move
a) endocrine and nervous
b) muscular and nervous
c) skeletal and nervous
d) muscular and skeletal

The mouth, intestines and stomach are part of which system?
a) digestive system
b) circulatory system
c) respiratory system
d) endocrine system

Which human body system protects the body from foreign matter?
a) immune
b) nervous
c) digestive
d) endocrine

Which is the correct order in terms of complexity?
a) cells, tissues, organ, organ systems
b) tissues, organ, organ systems, cell
c) cells, organ systems, tissues, organs
d) cells, organ, tissues, organ systems

Which of the following is a function of the skeletal system?
a) Remove the waste from your body.
b) Protect your internal organs and provide support.
c) Help aid in food digestion and blood circulation.
d) Transport oxygen and nutrients through the blood.

Helping to aid in food digestion and blood circulation are functions of which system?
a) skeletal
b) muscular
c) respiratory
d) cardiovascular

Would we be able to move without our skeletal system? Why or why not?
a) Yes, because we would still have our muscles.
b) No, because our bones do not work with our muscular system at all.
c) No, because our muscles need our bones to be able to move.
d) Yes, because our brain controls our movements.

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