Cell Division And Cell Cycle Question Preview (ID: 47212)

Vocabulary Review For Cell Division And The Cell Cycle. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Process in which the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell divides.
a) Mitosis
b) Chromatid
c) Chromosome
d) Homologous Chromosomes

First phase of mitosis during which chromatin condense into chromosomes, the nuclear envelope breaks down, centrioles separate, and a spindle begins to form.
a) Prophase
b) Metaphase
c) Anaphase
d) Telophase

Second phase of mitosis during which chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell.
a) Metaphase
b) Anaphase
c) Telophase
d) Prophase

Third phase of mitosis during which sister chromatids separate and move to opposite poles of the cell.
a) Anaphase
b) Telophase
c) Prophase
d) Metaphase

Last stage of mitosis during which chromosomes uncoil to form chromatin, the spindle breaks down, and new nuclear membranes form.
a) Telophase
b) Prophase
c) Metaphase
d) Anaphase

Splitting of the cytoplasm to form daughter cells when a cell divides.
a) Cytokinesis
b) Telophase
c) Anaphase
d) Metaphase

Grainy material that DNA forms when it is not coiled into chromosomes.
a) Chromatin
b) Cytokinesis
c) Chromosome
d) Chromatid

Coiled structure made of DNA and proteins containing sister chromatids that is the form the genetic material of a cell goes through cell division.
a) Chromosome
b) Chromatid
c) Chromatin
d) Centromere

One of two identical copies of a chromosome that are joined together at a centromere before a cell divides.
a) Chromatid
b) Chromosome
c) Cytokinesis
d) Chromatin

Region of sister chromatids where they are joined together.
a) Centromere
b) Chromosome
c) Chromatin
d) Cytokinesis

Pair of chromosomes that have the same size and shape and contain the same genes.
a) Homologous Chromosomes
b) Chromatid
c) Centromere
d) Chromatin

The invisible line at the equator (center) of the cell where the chromosomes containing the sister chromatids line up during metaphase.
a) Metaphase Plate
b) Centromere
c) Chromatin
d) Telophase

The structure that forms during cytokinesis in plants and eventually leads to the plasma membrane and cell wall of the two daughter plants.
a) Cell Plate
b) Chromatin
c) Telophase
d) Prophase

life cycle of a cell. A cell spends its life growing, replicating DNA, performing other life functions, and dividing
a) Cell Cycle
b) cell shape
c) ADP (adenine diphosphate)
d) Kreb Cycle

This phase includes the growth phase 1 (G1), synthesis phase (S), and growth phase 2 (G2). A phase out of the cell cycle is G0, which the cell enters when it needs to rest temporarily or reaches a point in its life when it can no longer replicate.
a) Interphase
b) telophase
c) anaphase
d) chromatin

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