Unit 28 Part 2 Question Preview (ID: 47205)
Unit 28 Part 2.
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Which of the following BEST describes the purpose of United Nations (UN)?
a) To promote social progress, peace, and human rights around the world
b) To globalize the world economy
c) To keep peace between warring nations
d) To stop the spread of nuclear weapons
Which of the following BEST describes the effects of weapons of mass destruction and terrorism on modern society?
a) Treaties have been developed to limit the research and development of weapons of mass destruction
b) Terrorism has increased national security in many countries
c) Bio-terrorism has become a worldwide fear
d) All answers are correct
Which of the following identifies the cause of the United States' War with Afghanistan?
a) The development of nuclear weapons
b) The terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11th, 2001
c) Religious conflicts
d) The promotion of democracy to authoritarian states
Which of the following BEST describes the results of the War with Afghanistan?
a) The war has ended terrorist attacks in the United States
b) The war is ongoing with no resolution
c) U.S and NATO troops were placed in Afghanistan to promote democratic elections
d) Nuclear weapons were removed from Afghanistan and the technology to produce them destroyed
Which of the following is not a risk factor associated with global health concerns?
a) Pover
b) Hunger
c) Under-population
d) Environmental destruction
What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
a) A treaty to help end human trafficking
b) A declaration made by the UN in order to end nuclear proliferation and decrease terrorism
c) A declaration allowing the UN to control and make decisions for all underdeveloped countries in the world
d) A declaration created by the UN outlining the basic human rights and standards of government for the world
Which of the following is NOT a cause of global migration?
a) Armed conflict in a home country
b) To increase the workforce in impoverished countries
c) Seeking greater economic opportunities
d) Search for improved education
Which of the following is NOT an effect of population migration?
a) Economic prosperity for poor countries
b) Cultural friction
c) Opposition to immigration
d) Increase exploitation and trafficking
Which of the following is an example of intergovernmental organization?
a) Red Cross
b) Apple
c) United Nations (UN)
d) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
Which of the following is an example of nongovernmental organization?
a) Red Cross
b) Apple
c) United Nations (UN
d) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA
What is the difference between an intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations?
a) Intergovernmental organizations focus on economic issues while nongovernmental organizations focus on social problems
b) Intergovernmental organizations involve the governments from multiple countries while nongovernmental organizations are not a
c) Intergovernmental organizations are companies while nongovernmental organizations are not for profit
d) Intergovernmental organizations try to cooperate with other countries while nongovernmental organizations only involve one co
Which of the following is NOT an effect of globalization?
a) Global economic organizations have been under attack for trying to Westernize the world
b) Increased cooperation between very wealthy and very poor nations
c) Increased development of transnational organizations
d) Increased potential for economic collapse due to interdependence between nations
What is NAFTA?
a) A trading bloc organized between Canada, Mexico, and the United States
b) A military alliance between the countries of North America
c) A peace treaty in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
d) A nongovernmental organization aimed at improving global health
Which of the following is NOT a technological improvement made in the late 20th Century and Early 21st Century?
a) The microchip has made technology far more portable
b) Humans ability to explore space has increased
c) Technologies have improved health care
d) The greenhouse effect has been reversed
Which of the following is NOT an environmental concern in the contemporary era?
a) Deforestation
b) Greenhouse effect/global warmning
c) Sustainable development
d) Desertification
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